Todas las imágenes y textos en esta web tienen el copyright de Isabel Jiménez. Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de ilustraciones, pinturas, fotografIas y textos con fines comerciales sin consentimiento de la artista. Si pretende utilizar las fotografías con fines educativos o cita parte de los contenidos, añada el link de la web y el nombre de la artista como nota de copyright. Si tiene alguna consulta sobre contenidos e imágenes por favor contacten.


Everything on this site is copyrighted unless otherwise noted. Copyright law protects the artists copyright in their original artworks from the moment they are created. So, all viewers should be aware that copyright of the artworks located on this website remain the exclusive property of the artist.


Copyright is administered by Isabel Jiménez. Artworks may be viewed only for the purposes of buyer browsing, and be downloaded only for such purposes.


No reproduction may be made of any of the artworks from this website for commercial use for any reason without first receiving written permission from the artist.



Under Copyright Law it is allowed to reproduce a single copy for personal or educational purposes, provided that no changes are made to the content and provided that a copyright notice accrediting the content is attached to the reproduction. Beyond that, no further copies of artworks from this website may be made or distributed without written authorization. If you quote any fragment of the texts that appear in this website, including the blog, please, add a citation with a link to the website.



Isabel Jiménez Arenas is the copyright owner for all other aspects of the website including images, descriptions, statements and website design unless otherwise stated.